
James Bailey
Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Tianyi Chen
Assistant Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

Thomas Ferguson
Associate Professor, Cognitive Science

Radoslav Ivanov
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Min Li
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Liu Liu
Assistant Professor, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering

Yao Ma
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Lydia Manikonda
Assistant Professor, Lally School of Management

Shaowu Pan
Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering

Santiago Paternain
Assistant Professor, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering

Trevor Rhone
Assistant Professor, Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy

Oshani Senevirantne
Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Tomek Strzalkowski
Professor, Cognitive Science

Yinan Wang
Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Lei Yu
Assistant Professor, Computer Science